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Version: v2.x

Welcome to MACI

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What is MACI?

Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) is an open-source public good that serves as infrastructure for private on-chain voting.

MACI is an Ethereum application that provides privacy and collusion resistance for on-chain voting, both in a quadratic and non-quadratic fashion. A common problem among today’s on-chain voting (or public good funding) processes is how easy it is to bribe voters into voting for a particular option. Since all transactions on the blockchain are public by default, without MACI, voters can easily prove to the briber which option they voted for and therefore receive the bribe rewards.

MACI counters this problem by using encryption and zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) to hide how each person voted while still publicly revealing the final result. User’s cannot prove which option they voted for, and therefore bribers cannot reliably trust that a user voted for their preferred option. For example, a voter can tell a briber that they are voting for option A, but in reality they voted for option B. There is no reliable way to prove which option the voter actually voted for, so the briber has less incentive to pay voters to vote their way.

Applications like or protocols like Allo build atop MACI to increase user privacy and discourage collusion or bribery for public goods funding.

Why MACI Matters

To understand the promise of on-chain voting and the purpose of MACI, we highly recommend reading Vitalik's post on blockchain voting. He provides an overview of the incredible potential of e-voting and why blockchains are an excellent technology to implement e-voting solutions on top of.

Below we attempt to summarize some of the points laid out in that post:

Security requirements of a voting system

Any voting system requires a few crucial security properties in order to be trusted by users:

  • Correct execution: the result (tally of votes) must be correct, and the result must be guaranteed by a transparent process (so that everyone is convinced that the result is correct)
  • Censorship resistance: anyone eligible to vote should be able to vote, and it should not be possible to interfere with anyone's attempt to vote or to prevent anyone’s vote from being counted
  • Privacy: you should not be able to tell which candidate someone specific voted for, or even if they voted at all
  • Coercion resistance: you should not be able to prove to someone else how you voted, even if you want to

Voting systems

Looking at various approaches to implement a voting system, we can see how they compare across these properties.

In-person voting systems

In short, it's hard to know for sure how current voting systems operate. Governments and corporations spend lots of resources on their systems and processes in an attempt to ensure their integrity, but ultimately neither the systems nor the processes are fully auditable, so we must trust that these security properties are being enforced.

Correct execution🤷‍♂️
Censorship resistance🤷‍♂️
Collusion resistance🤷‍♂️

Blockchain voting systems

Blockchains provide two key properties: correct execution and censorship resistance. In terms of execution, the blockchain accepts inputs (transaction) from users, correctly processes them according to some pre-defined rules, and returns the correct output. No one is able to change the rules. Any user that wants to send a transaction and is willing to pay a high enough fee can send the transaction and expect to see it quickly included on-chain.

By default, however, Blockchain voting applications face challenges. Ethereum, like most blockchains, is completely transparent - all transaction data is public, so there is no privacy for voters or their votes. This makes bribery very easy as a result: someone can easily show a transaction receipt that proves how they voted. In some cases, bribery can be completely automated via smart contracts to make collusion entirely trustless.

Correct execution🤷‍♂️
Censorship resistance🤷‍♂️
Collusion resistance🤷‍♂️

Blockchain voting systems (with ZKPs)

Enter zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), which when combined with blockchains like Ethereum, can enable private on-chain voting but maintain public on-chain results that are verifiable by anyone (including smart contracts). Vote tallying takes place off-chain but ZKPs are submitted and verified on-chain, which guarantees votes are counted correctly without revealing the individual votes.

In-personEthereumEthereum w/ ZK
Correct execution🤷‍♂️
Censorship resistance🤷‍♂️
Collusion resistance🤷‍♂️

This, in essence, is why MACI exists. By combining these technologies in novel ways, we believe we can achieve all the core security properties that a voting system must have.


MACI offers the following guarantees:

Collusion ResistanceNo one except a trusted coordinator should be certain of the validity of a vote, reducing the effectiveness of bribery.
Receipt-freenessNo one can prove (besides to the coordinator) which way they voted.
PrivacyNo one except a trusted coordinator should be able to decrypt a vote.
UncensorabilityNo one — not even the trusted coordinator, should be able to censor a vote.
UnforgeabilityOnly the owner of a user's private key may cast a vote tied to its corresponding public key.
Non-repudiationNo one may modify or delete a vote after it is cast, although a user may cast another vote to nullify it.
Correct executionNo one, not even the trusted coordinator, should be able to produce a false tally of votes.

Under the hood, MACI uses Ethereum smart contracts, ECDH encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs. It inherits security and uncensorability from the underlying Ethereum blockchain, ensures unforgeability via asymmetric encryption, and achieves collusion resistance, privacy, and correct execution via zk-SNARK proofs.

The participants of a MACI voting process are: 1) the voters and 2) a trusted coordinator. The coordinator is in charge of setting up the system, deploying polls, and computing the tally of the votes. Through smart contracts and ZK-proofs, MACI ensures that everything is done in a fair manner. Although MACI can provide collusion resistance only if the coordinator is honest, a dishonest coordinator can neither censor nor tamper with its execution.

Note that MACI presumes an identity system where each legitimate member controls a unique Ethereum private key.

For information on MACI's latest features, please check out our MACI v2.0.0 release post.


MACI was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in this post and has been maintained and improved since thanks to support from the Ethereum Foundation. For a general overview, the history and the importance of MACI, see Release Announcement: MACI 1.0 by Wei Jie, one of the creators. He also created a helpful overview of MACI video. Kyle Charbonnet wrote a great Technical Introduction to MACI 1.0 that provides a walkthrough on how MACI operates.


MACI is a public good infrastructure that is supported by the Ethereum Foundation within Privacy & Scaling Explorations (PSE). It's also continuously improved by our open source community! Many people have contributed to MACI, but below are some notable contributors.

MACI v1.0 was originally developed by:

MACI v1.1.1 was primarily developed by:

Currently, MACI (v1.2.0 and beyond) is maintained and continuously improved by a core development team:

Our core team continues to work on improving the protocol and its documentation with help from our open source community.


If you are using one of the previous versions of MACI, see the MACI v1.2 documentation.